In July 2022, students from Universiti Melaka (also known as Kolej Universiti Islam Melaka) approached Free Food Society to help provide food aid. They wanted to get a first-hand experience of the hardship faced by the homeless in the heart of Kuala Lumpur. We helped them by providing 200 food packs comprising of snacks and drinks.
The 20 students and their supervisor worked with an NGO called PAKAT that has been helping the homeless in the area. With guidance from PAKAT to identify target communities, the students set out in the middle of the night to distribute the snack packs at 4 locations around Central Market, Kota Raya and outside 2 LRT stations. FFS was happy to help and we hope the experience has opened the eyes of the younger generation of Malaysians to the hardship faced by the homeless and the urban poor.